Monitor your customer satisfaction levels using Net Promoter Score® methodology. Higher scores are strongly correlated with higher profits and greater growth!
The Net Promoter score measurement was developed by Fred Reichheld and detailed in his book The Ultimate Question.
It is both a customer loyalty metric and a discipline for using feedback to fuel profitable growth in your business.
The possible score range is -100 to +100. World class companies score 50+. Really great ones like Amazon and Harley Davidson score 70+.
Customers fall into 3 categories: Promoters, Passives and Detractors.
Promoters are loyal enthusiasts. They form long and profitable relationships with your company, are more interested in new products, less price sensitive, typically enthusiastic and likely to promote you through positive word-of-mouth.
Passives are satisfied but unenthusiastic and easily wooed by the competition. They don’t particularly care about you. They are neither strongly loyal nor disloyal, and are not included in the final score.
Detractors are unhappy people who can damage your brand and impede growth through negative word-of-mouth. They feel they have been badly treated, are more likely to defect to your competition, demand higher discounts, complain more, and bad-mouth you to others.
The customer feedback score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of respondents who are detractors from the percentage who are promoters. For example, if 50% of respondents are promoters, 30% are passives, and 20% are detractors, your customer feedback score is 30 (50-20).
Fred Reichheld’s research showed that on average, a 12 point increase in the score leads to a doubling in a company’s rate of growth. Which proves that delighting customers is the only path to true growth.
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Customer Reviews
Effortlessly get tons of 5-star ratings and genuine customer reviews.
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Authentic Testimonials
Publish authentic testimonials from happy customers & let them do the selling for you.
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User-Generated Content
Populate your website with user-generated content that Google loves.
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Measure Customer Loyalty
Monitor your customer satisfaction levels using Net Promoter Score® methodology.
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Compare Customer Loyalty
Compare your Net Promoter Score® across each branch, rep or product.
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Get Customer Feedback
Find out how to improve your customer experience for even better future results.
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